ESP8266 Fatal exception and Wdt Reset |
This post will guide you common issues and mistakes that cause Fatal Exception and wdt reset. Fatal exception comes at execution time. program compiles well logically looks correct but at Running…
Level1InterruptCause. How to fix? - Everything ESP8266
Good day How to do it so that, for example, the st[…]
nodemcu 등 esp-12계열의 mcu를 사용하는데 스케치에서 문제없이 컴파일후 업로드 하였으나 "ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(3,7)"에러가 발생하여 구글링해 보니
위 링크에서 충돌을 일으키는 핀( crash-inducing)으로 언급한 7핀을 사용한게 원인이라 판단되어
문제없는 핀으로 바꾸니 에러 없이 잘 작동함...
Apparently, it's a no go to use the S2 pin as an Output. Ended up testing every single PIN for it's Input and Output capability: Outputs(12): 16,15,14,13,12,10,5,4,3,2,1,0 Inputs(9): 14,13,12,10,5,4,3,2,0 crash-inducing(5): 11,9,8,7,6 Utilizing every single pin, there's a total of 12 digital pins plus one analog pin, which could be just enough for this project. Some of the pins have multiple functions and using them leads to other issues, such as no communication via USB, but that's another story. I've already ordered mcp23017 I/O extenders, though it will take some weeks to arrive. Until then, the abovementioned pins will have to serve. |
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