diy/3D 프린터 13

도어 스토퍼 Mr Door Stopper by Roland Mr. Door Stopper got killed by your Door! R.I.P V2: Made him a bit sharper to better fit under your Door :) If you like my work and you want to make a donation, then you can use the following Bitcoin Address. Bitcoin Address: 1EvpRZVEjaNcAEk54iRv9NkEHhJcA4 하도 방문이 바람에 닫혀서 살까하다가 재미있게 생겨서 이걸로 출력해봄 높이 2.1cm정도임, 낮으면..

diy/3D 프린터 2023.09.23

니퍼 손잡이 Grip Enhanced Nipper Handle by AT3chnicality I did not change the internal dimensions or overall dimensions of this model. I just added some grip sections; please follow Zkrapper's suggestions for printing. Enlarge by 103-105% if using a shrinky-type filament. 눕혀서 출력하면 내부에 서포터가 생기므로 세워서 출력하고 수축가능성이 있으면 105%정도 확대해서 출력하는게 좋음

diy/3D 프린터 2023.09.23