
esc 두번 눌러 창닫기

do121 2023. 2. 15. 20:34

; Set the time window in milliseconds during which the second
; Esc key press must occur for it to be recognized as a double press.
; Increase or decrease this value as necessary.
doublePressTimeout := 300

; This variable keeps track of the time of the last Esc key press.
lastEscPressTime := 0

; This function is called when the Esc key is pressed.
    ; Get the current time.
    currentTime := A_TickCount
    ; If the time elapsed since the last Esc press is less than the
    ; double press timeout, it's a double press, so close the active window.
    if (currentTime - lastEscPressTime < doublePressTimeout) {
        WinClose, A
    ; Otherwise, it's a single press, so send the Esc key.
    else {
        Send {Esc}
    ; Record the current time as the time of the last Esc press.
    lastEscPressTime := currentTime

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